Through Summer C Hotel, we seek to provide a gathering and encounter space for.

Understood as personal growth, skill development, and inspiration to empower decision making.
Sustainability and environment
Become conscious of nature, in tune with it, exploring it and feeling it.
Those who identify with the values of the hotel, will interact, and make contacts and friends that enjoy life while working on personal projects.
All this is done in order that the people who visit us can release their potential and guide it towards their personal life purposes.
As a brand philosophy, we believe that we must live with a purpose, and this is evidenced in the daily actions in each of the dimensions of the individual. We must follow a guide to fulfill these purposes. You can't skip steps or take shortcuts. First, we are, then we do and then we have. The BE, DO, HAVE philosophy.
Our goal is that people find in this hotel and territory a playground to unleash their potential. May your stay with us fulfill you. You´ll come back recharged and with greater ability to find and work on your personal purpose. This are vacations with purpose. Life with purpose.
This hotel is a family business located in the municipality of Macanal, Boyacá, Colombia. Our family comes generations back from this small town. This natural paradise is a hidden gem in the which each one of our ancestors has traveled through its mountains and rivers, discovering from the hand of nature a style and life project. Our ancestors have inhabited this place for more than 300 years.
Throughout this time our family has worked in the fields, agriculture and livestock. great-great-grandparents learned local traditions such as grinding and producing local products and handmade. The grandparents marketed products through mules, then bought and sold land and finally decided to leave the countryside to seek study and a profession in the capital for your children.
Our parents built a business in the capital thanks to the teachings of work and honesty. Now, our generation has decided to return to the origin, to the countryside, seeking development socioeconomic development of the region through sustainable tourism. The SUMMER C hotel is the result of a creative process of several generations to share this great place with you and bring development to the region. Our ancestral (generational) knowledge of the place gives us the greatest understanding of the region in order to be the ideal host during your stay for these majestic mountains of stories and nature.